Thursday, September 4, 2008

OnStar anyone???

The past coulpe of weeks have flown by, with tons of action in between. Starting with Liam's school adventure's. A little seperation anxiety to report, but we are coming out strong. Liam cries every morning when I wake him up and says " No school , just sleep mama." ...Yesterday we arrived to the school/church parking lot he immediatly grabbed his back pack (with his chin quivering and lip puckered out) and began to walk inside. Up the stairs, straight to his classroom and with out a beat hangs his back pack and then begins to cry, it breaks my heart everytime. yesterday I told him we could go to the playground when I picked him up from school. Deal?... Deal. As soon is I picked him up we went straight to the Imagination Station.Hours of playing went by until, NAP TIME please!!! Anywhoo Liam and I gathered our belongings, told some other Mom's and kids from Liam's school goodbye (they just so happened to be there) and headed for the car. I proceeded to start the car it was very "HOT" outside, buckled Liam in his seat, pushed the lock button and shut the door!! YEAH PUSHED THE LOCK BUTTON!!! WHO DOES THAT???? ME!!! I DO!! I locked Liam in the car with it running.!!> Want me to BABYSIT??? I still can't get over this, but luckily the car was running and he did not burn up in the heat> A little panicing on Liam's behalf because he wasn't quite sure why Mommy would not get in the car and all of these people trying to help were peeking in the windows. Wow... what a day. My Dad was there in less than 5 minutes with a spare key to save the day!!! Thanks BOB!! Love you.


Amanda said...

WOW... well at least that makes 2 of us who have done that! :) I'm so glad the air was on so he didn't roast. I'm sure you were still scared, but at least you always have BOB!