Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spoiled rotten, yikes!!

This is just a mere smidge of the amount of toys we have these days. Any suggestions on how NOT to get talked into buying a 3yr old a toy EVERY time we go somewhere?? This is just getting out of hand, it started out with toys $5 and under, but now Liam's request seem to be getting bigger and bigger. How do you teach a 3.3year old about money?? Liam has grandparents galore, who do buy him alot of things, but now he expects something out of me EVERY time and I don't want to be the bad guy. ( I know I am the parent, but geeze.) I love to being able to buy Liam things, but I just know this cannot be teaching him, anything good. Any advice????


Leslee P said...

honestly, we had the same issue with mason. everytime we went to walmart, he said "surprise"! and honestly we just cannot do it anymore. one or two hotwheels is fine because they are .98, but now he wants really expensive stuff. the only thing that worked for me was being the "bad guy." I hated it but he had to learn. He screamed for about 2 minutes and then he was fine. and now he seems to know. i do not think at this age that they know the value of a dollar, but mason knows his numbers and I have started showing him the price tags and saying, "no that does not have a 5 in it..." hopefully he will learn that way/ good luck.

ps- we still let the grandparents spoil mason- that is what they are for... right? plus, they have way more money that I do... so they can spend $20 ever time right?

Amanda said...

YEah, you just have to be the bad guy. And Liam won't even think of it as that and will eventually understand that he only gets a toy at special times. Good luck!!